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WTN Pictures Archive page 1.

The Newsroom's goodby party to WTN Sept 98

The Newsroom's goodby party to WTN Sept 98 - Left to right. Errol Hewitt, Ream Alani, Flora Hunter, Charles Faulds, Mark Richardson. Not only dark, it was very very noisy. Photo contribution by Charles Faulds.

The Newsroom's goodby party to WTN Sept 98

The Newsroom's goodby party to WTN Sept 98 - Left to right. David Tucker, Rob Cole (former WTN - a bit more former than the rest), Simone Sutcliffe, Al Ratclife Photo contribution by Charles Faulds.

After the last WTN MCR party Sept 98

After the last WTN MCR party Sept 98 - Left to right. Chris Daniels, Louise Elliot, John Flannery, Peter (Spanner) Harris. Photo contribution by Charles Faulds.

After the last WTN MCR party Sept 98

After the last WTN MCR party Sept 98 - Left to right. Alan Denley(staying), Peter(Spanner) Harris, Johnathan Cavander, Derek Turner, & Ross Cameron. Photo contribution by Charles Faulds.

London get-together Nov 98

Left to right. Marcello Zanini, Kori Yeung King Sang (Bremner's wife), Eric Bremner, Anna Averikou (now BBC) , Rialda Musaefendic (Sarajevo), Rob Cole (now freelance), Hazim Sabanovic (Sarajevo) - London get-together Nov 98. Photo contribution by Hazim

London get-together Nov 98

Left to right. Hazim Sabanovic (Sarajevo) , Marcello Zanini, Rialda Musaefendic (Sarajevo), Kori Yeung King Sang (Bremner's wife), Eric Bremner (Holding Rob Cole's neighbour's delightful cat), - Rob's home London get-together Nov 98. Photo contribution by Hazim

Abed's family

New baby in arms makes three. Another reason why Abdul Al-Qadir Kharoub (Abed - ex London Middle East Department) needs a new job! Nov 98. Photo contribution by Abed

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